Become A Clinical Supervisor

Studies show that 60% of managers never receive training for their first leadership roles. It’s similar to behavioral health leadership. Our instructor and curriculum not only provide comprehensive training for critical supervisory skills. We also introduce leadership models that are particularly helpful in the behavioral health field.

For NMCA Members, the Academy’s 2024–2025 cohort is discounted 25%. This means you’ll pay $900 (plus gross receipts tax) instead of the usual $1,200. That’s a savings of $300! Tuition can be paid monthly and takes under a year to complete. Fees include cohort-style training, voluntary consultations, evaluations, access to supervisory resources, and collaboration with other supervisors. Successful completion qualifies for 45+ continuing education credits and satisfies the requirements to apply for the Approved Clinical Supervisor certification. Fees include cohort-style trainings, voluntary consultations, evaluations, and collaboration with other supervisors. Successful completion qualifies for 50+ continuing education credits and satisfies the requirements to apply for the Approved Clinical Supervisor certification.

The registration deadline is November 8, 2024 and begins on the 15th with an orientation of the academy, an overview of the curriculum, and an introduction to behavioral health leadership. All Academy training dates are predetermined and are provided below. All trainings are held on Fridays from 9 am–12 pm MST. Consultations are held on Fridays from 9–10:30 am MST.

Apply now to reserve your spot!


Academy Orientation, Leadership Styles + Research Project Introduction

Legal & Ethical Issues And Responsibilities In Clinical Supervision
Ethics are the cornerstone of the counseling profession. They help us respond to similar situations in a similar, pre-approved manner and help solidify our collective and personal, professional identities. Fully understanding the multiple legal and ethical concerns allows the counseling supervisor to best assist supervisees and their clients.

Roles & Functions Of Clinical Supervision
Counseling supervisors must be prepared to wear multiple hats for their supervisees and stakeholders. The range of these hats includes supporter, educator, administrator, and all subsets within those roles. There can be a lot of overlap between these roles, and it is important to have an awareness of what role is needed in any given situation and additional awareness of what role you are “slipping into” with your supervisee.

Theoretical Frameworks and Models Of Clinical Supervision
Supervision has a purpose. Three types of models emerged to help guide supervisors and provide structure for supervisees, three types of models emerged; developmental, integrated, and orientation-specific. Determining what models get used is at the supervisor’s discretion and, hopefully, based on the supervisee’s needs.

Utilization of Technology In Clinical Supervision
There are many ways technology can be used to support and even enhance clinical supervision. While the pandemic may have pushed behavioral health into the use of telesupervision less planfully than we all would have wanted, it is not a new phenomenon and good literature supports its usage as part of supervisory practice. HIPAA and HITECH Laws apply to telesupervision, and counseling codes of ethics have guidelines for supervisors to ensure ethical best practice delivery. Developing a solid relationship is still a key factor in effective utilization.

Methods &  Techniques In Clinical Supervision
Supervisors are responsible for fostering their supervisee’s development as they build their professional identity. They do this using various methods and techniques in the supervisory sessions. These various methods and techniques serve different purposes and have both advantages and disadvantages. In this curriculum, supervisors learn about these various methods and techniques and when and how to use them.

Trauma-Informed & Competent Clinical Supervision
Trauma-informed care is a commonly used term of art in behavioral health. Supervisors are responsible for providing a trauma-competent approach in their supervision to support the development of their supervisees and model self-awareness and care. Now more than ever, novice and experienced counselors are at risk for burn-out or vicarious trauma, making the supervisor’s role even more critical to educate, recognize and model trauma-informed care.

Supervisory Relationship Issues
MAY 30 17: PART 1  |  JUNE 6: PART 2
As with any relationship, the supervisory relationship can have issues related to boundaries, unethical behavior, resistant supervisees, competence issues, and many others. In this curriculum, supervisors learn how to manage these issues as well as how to avoid them.

Culturally Responsive Clinical Supervision
Counseling is a multi-faceted phenomenon that involves many variables. A complex variable includes the cultural background and contexts of the supervisee, client, and supervisor and how those contexts show up in these relationships.

Group Supervision
This type of supervision can help supervisees offer peer support with cases, discuss issues they may be having, and offer a space where the supervisees can feel supported by both the supervisor and their peers. Although this type of supervision can be beneficial, it can also be difficult to manage for a new supervisor. This curriculum provides the supervisor with the skills to manage group supervision effectively.

Administrative Procedures & Responsibilities Related To Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision includes a significant amount of administrative oversight and knowledge. While competent and informed clinical skills are necessary parts of the supervisory process, the importance of the administrative or organizational piece cannot be overlooked. Organizations may drive the requirements of this area of supervision; however, it is still important for the supervisor to understand what administrative and management responsibilities they take on when they become a clinical supervisor.

Evaluation, Remediation, and Gatekeeping In Clinical Supervision
September 5: TRAINING | September 19: ACADEMY WRAP UP MEETING

The entire supervisory relationship is built when a supervisee begins to see clients. The supervisor is responsible for the supervisee’s development and providing support when needed. Most supervisors seamlessly move into these responsibilities yet struggle to accept their role in the evaluative component of supervision. A supervisee’s development can and should be measured as a way to identify areas of concern as well as areas of strength.

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“The Clinical Supervision Academy is a comprehensive instructional package, and the instructors are professional and extremely knowledgeable. I’m using what I learned on a daily basis.” —Armando, LPCC